A little background. . .
Mayor Bill McLeod and his wife Joane have been enthusiastic supporters of the CAC since the beginning of time. Both are current members of the Leadership Board. They continue to support CAC events throughout the year including this walk! I'm fortunate to not only work for Mayor McLeod but to also watch with joy as he and Joane support the CAC selflessly with their resources.
I (Jennifer Djordjevic) had the distinct honor of working for the CAC from 2012 to 2014 as the Director of Public Relations. My time there left an indelible impression on me. Most impressive is the dedication of the staff, volunteers and donors who are committed to ensuring children have a save place to heal from abuse. A place where children are believed and supported. A place where children and family can begin their steps to recovery. A place where the cycle of violence is rendered powerless.
These are just a few of the FACTS about CAC's services and outcomes:
* 1,104 clients were served in 2018
* approximately 600 new cases of child abuse allegations are called into the CAC each year
* all services are offered in English and Spanish and are free of charge
* children who suffer abuse CAN heal when they are believed and supported
* Safe From the Start (SFTS), a program of CAC, serves children birth to five years of age who have been exposed to violence or are at risk of being exposed. Last year 156 children and adults received counseling and support services through SFTS.
Team SMile by was created in honor of little Scott Jacob "Scotty" McMillan (2011 - 2014) who was tortured and killed at the hands of his mom and her boyfriend. The story of this beautiful little boy touched our hearts so much that we needed to find a way to honor his memory and to raise awareness about the very real issue of child sexual and physical abuse. Of course Mayor McLeod and Joane dove head first into supporting this team and have not looked back since.
We walk (and now run) in honor of Scotty and all the other little ones who need a voice!

(Scott Jacob "Scotty" McMillan)
Child abuse is horrific, painful and completely unnecessary. Despite these truths, child abuse continues to occur on a daily basis to children right here in our own communities.
YOU can be a part of the solution. Whether you walk, run or make a financial gift, you will ensure the CAC has the support it needs to continue providing FREE programs and services to children and families who need it most. Will you join us?
Thank you for your support of CAC and Team SMile - please sign up today and pass the word!
Jennifer Djordjevic Mayor William D. McLeod
Dedicated Fundraiser / Mom Village of Hoffman Estates / Dad / Grandpa